Back To School! - What's In My School Bag!
2016. szeptember 04. írta: Huszár Vanessza

Back To School! - What's In My School Bag!


It's finally ( or not finally) September, so that means school has already started. I personally love this month. I have an upcoming classtrip next week, my Sister is coming home from America, we are going to Craotia on a holiday, it is our birthmonth too and I might be getting a new phone soon, so there are plenty of things to be excited for! But for now, I just want to share with you Guys, what I have in my school bag, so you can see if you have anything missing! Let's just get started!

My "bag" that I carry with me arounf every single day is a burgundy briefcase. I got it last Christmas, and I have been loving it eversince! I carry a lot of stuff with me, beacuse let's just admit, we never know what we might need. 

I love spiral notebooks, I only have 5 important subjects, so I only have 5 notebooks. I prefer everything to be pink, or something like that, but you will realise that from the pictures. My thickest nb is for History, cause that is my faculty. I also carry a folder around with me, for important papers and hand-outs.

I always have planner, and I use it for pretty much everything. I prefer it to be small, cute and pink.

Since the 1st day of school in 1st grade, I'm addicted to pencilcases. No matter what, I have to have a new one every single year. Sometimes even two to be honest. I keep a lot of things in it. I have mechanical pencils, simple pencils, colorul blue pens, fun highlighters, rubber, and all the other boring stuff, like ruler, pencil sharpener, calculator for Maths, and so on. 

The other things that I have with me is like my wallet, earphones, phone charger, tissues, perfume, mini-deodorant and my travel ticket.

I birng my own food/lunch to school in a pink bag, that keeps my snacks cold. I usually bring a sandwich, lef-over lunch, grapes or other fruits with me, and water.


Hope you guys enjoyed it! I won't be here for about two weeks unfortunately, because on Wednesday int the evening I'm going to my boyfriend and on Thursday we are going on a classtrip, we come home on Saturday, then on Sunday we are going to a cable way or theme park, or tob honest I don' exactly know what it is, then on Monday I'm going to Budapest because my Sis is coming home, then on Tuesday we are going on a holiday to Croatia for a week. It's going to be a busy few weeks, but expect blogs about our Classtrip, Holiday, and Outfits! 

Until then, you know where to find me and keep up with my adventures+life: Instagram: @vanesszahuszar

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