How To Save Money!
2016. július 18. írta: Huszár Vanessza

How To Save Money!

Ok, so as a girl I think the thing what you can save the most money with is shopping. I know, we have all been there, upcoming event or the beginning of school, and  we just stand in front of our wardrobe complaining that we have absolutely nothing to wear, and we are not going anywhere. After these horrible hours we go and buy things that we don't actually need just to make us feel better, and "Boom!", our saved money is gone. Now I'll try to give you a few tips, just so you can see what I do - or try to do- to save (and make) some money, because hey, it's a learning process. Let's just dive into it!

How to make some:

Go through your wardrobe, every single piece that you have. I'm pretty sure there are a few items that you have not touched or worn in the last few months. When you pick up every item, think about these things:

  • When was the last time I wore it?
  • Do I like it as much as when I bought it?
  • How many times have I worn it?
  • To what events/places will I wear it again?
  • Do I have a few items similar to this?
  • Does it still fit me and my body perfectly?

If your answer  these questions and realise that you don't need these things in your life, sell them. This way, you can make some money. Take pictures of them, upload it maybe to your local community's Facebook page where you buy&sell things, and I'm pretty sure people will buy it. Or if you don't want to do this, you can work maybe for a week or two, and spend that money.

How to save some:

Well, if you have enough money, the time has come to make a list of the desired things. Write down if you have other pieces to match it with, and how much money you can spend on each item. Also think about if yu really need them, and about how many times you will wear it. For example, every single year for prom I have a new dress that I am never gonna wear again, probably, but I still buy them. First year my dress was really expensive, but the next year I realised that it doesn't worth spending a fortune on a dress that you will only wear once ( except the wedding dress,obv). If your list is ready, think about where you can most likely find those items, Don't forget that there are a lot more cheaper alternatives, even in the same store. After that you can check how much money you have and how much you still need, and just keep going until you make it. If you do this, you most likely won't spend money on things that you don't need, so you are saving money!

Also, please don't spend money when you are desperate, sad, bored, because then there is a bigger chance that you will buy things that you don't actually need, you just do it to make yourself feel better. I1ve been there, believe me.


For makeup my only advice is to buy it when there are sales, because you can save a lot money then, and also there are good products, for example a nice eyeliner can last up to a year, so there are a few things that are worth investing money in. I say if you are smart and lucky, out of 20.000 Ft (~70 $) you can buy every makeup item that you need for a good makeup.

So, that was it, hope you guys liked it, and I'll write again very soon! 


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