The Morning Boom!
2016. július 04. írta: Huszár Vanessza

The Morning Boom!

Picture your perfect morning.It doesn't matter if it's getting up early in the morning or tapping the Snooze button 5 times in a row. After waking up the first thing that comes to mind - at least to mine- is that I'm hungry. Having breakfast is one of my favourite things to do. I like drinking my hot cocoa or coffee, eating oatmeal and sitting on our balcony checking my social media sites. But let's just focus on the food, beacuse we have to  admit, who doesn't love to eat?! I like eating things in the morning that will keep me full until my next meal, and for that the best option is eating oatmeal. I like easy-to-make breakfasts, so here is how I do it:

You will need:

  • Oats
  • Water/Milk
  • Honey/Sweetener
  • Coconut filings
  • Fruits of your choice

I just put the oats in a cereal bowl, pour some water on it and put it in the microwave for about 1,5 minutes. Then basically your bfast is done, you just need some toppings. I like to put honey on it to make it sweeter, sometimes I put a tablespoon of cinnamon in it too, and I put a bunch of coconut on it, beacuse I love it. You can eat fruits with it also, I personally prefer strawberry, blueberry and bananas. And if you'r done, all you have to do is to take a picture of it, post it on Instagram and enjoy it!


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