September Favourites!
2016. október 04. írta: Huszár Vanessza

September Favourites!


Can't believe September is already over. It happened so fast, but I have so many good memories from this month, including my 18th birthday. But now I'm not gonna talk about that. I am gonna talk about the products that I have been loving in the month of Sept. I will talk about beauty and non-beauty related things, so let's just get started!


Clean & Clear Blackhead Clearing Daily Scrub:  I'm in love with it! I use it almost every single day, and I am not kidding, my face has become as soft as a baby's bottom. It also makes my blackheads, which I have only on my nose, not that visually appearing, but don't wait for it to make all of them go away for good. I have been fighting this battle for years now, and I say get a nose srtip and than use this scrub, this works for the best.

Kylie Jenner lipkit: I'm not gonna write anything here, I think it's quite self-explanatory. Read my previous blog post for details :)

Misslyn Perfect Match Eyeshadow: a I have been looking for the perfect fall eyeshadow palette for weeks but I could not find it. But my friend Anett could, and she got it for me for my birthday! I'm telling you, this is the best palette I have ever had. It is sooo pigmented, and the colors in it are perfect for fall! It contains a dark brown, a burgundy-red and a mustard-gold eyeshadow. 

Catrice Highlighting Powder: It is gorgeous! Also very pigmented, and looks amazing. It is a bit rosy and a bit silvery, the perfect combination! Also stays on for long- long hours!



Backpack: I have talked about this one before, this is my fav backpack. The size is perfect, and it looks good with everything.

Black slip-on shoes:  I have worn this like every single day last months, it is soo comfortable. The bottom of it is a bit higher than the usual, and it just makes even more cooler. I wore this with dresses and jeans , it goes with everything.

3-in-1 Coffee: I drink this twice a day like not even kidding you guys. I just pour some milk into my pink mug, than put this into the milk, pop it into the microwave for a minute and I am good to go! Delicious, defintely try it! I drink Nescafe of Jabocs, these are my favs :)

Bear Phone Case: I got it from my Bear ( my boyfriend) for my birthday. I love it, it looks amazing! Also if you know us, you probalóbly know that we have a little bit of a bear-obsession going on as we are the Baby Bear Pair, but you know, the more the merrier. :) 

My New Phone: I just got a silver Iphone 6 for my birthday from my Sister, and I cannot put it down! It is amazing,fast, the camera takes beautiful pictures, and I guess what people say is true, that  if once you have an Iphone you have an Iphone you will not buy any other brand.(phone). Hint: Expect a What's on my Iphone + How I edit my Instagram pics blog post very soon!

My Black Bomber Jacket: I got it from my parents for my birthday from H&M and I love it! It is really warm and soft, and completes every outfit, but it is more on the sportier side, so you cannot wear it with every type of dress. 


And now the virtual stuff:

Movies,TV-shows,Music,Apps: Soy Luna on Disney channel. I know it is wird and not made for my age category, but it is so good and relaxing, I love it. The Choice movie starring Teresa Palmer. It is romantic, and yu will definitely cry. Then Music. I use Spotify, and now my favourite songs were Side to Side by Ariana Grande, Ain't My Fault by Zara Larsson, and Now You're Gone from Basshunter. I also started listening to Xmas songs, I know. Too soon.. And apps. My fav app to play with is Best Fiends. I am already on lvl 67. It is addicting and you should give it a try too. 

That is it for my September favourites! Hope you liked it, and you might want to just try out some of the goodies. :)

Until next time, follow me on Instagram @vanesszahuszar :) Love you, bye x

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