My Fall Essentials!
2016. október 19. írta: Huszár Vanessza

My Fall Essentials!


So #Fall is here, as we all know, and there are a few things that make these months even better! I would like to share my essentials with you, so you can enjoy this beuatiful time of the year!

I'm gonna start with most basic one, #PumpkinSpicedLatte . Yes, I know. I am guilty. This year I had the pleasure to taste this yummy and extremely expensive drink in Starbucks. I have to say, it does not really taste like pumpkin, more like cinnamon, but it is really good. Perfect for those cold cold days. Then, to get in the mood, #Candles are always a good choice. You can get them pretty much everywhere, but I think buying them in drugstores is the best option. My favourite one right now is Mom's Baking from AirWick, it smells like baked pear, pie crust and vanilla. Heaven. Finding the perfect #FallEyeshadowPalette is not easy, but I am a proud owner of one and you can read about it in my previous post. #DarkLipsticks are always a good choice, because you don't have to wear that much makeup with it, and it matches this dark, gloomy weather. I haven't managed to find the perfect one yet, but I am not going to stop trying. #LongSleeveShirts are the go-to-s during this time, because baby, it's could outside. I bought a few shirt from H&M, and they are the perfect color for fall! I got a burgundy, a mustard and a green one, and I love them so much. I can't wait to get my hand on more of these goodies! Now let's move on to not so "touchable" things. Going for a #Walk with my Boyfriend around the lake and drinking #HotCocoa in a nice Café is the perfect thing to do. It is relaxing just to see the leaves change colors and the weather getting colder. These things give me so much life. But just staying at home cuddling with a blanket and a tea is epic for me too. Well, I am easy to impress. And because social media is officially a thing, we can't forget about Instagram and Pinterest! Creating a fall theme is so much fun , and I love doing it. Pinning #Pumpkins on Pinterest is fun too. If you are curious how I created my Instagram theme and what apps I use, stay tuned for me upcoming posts! Now here come the pics!

Well that was it for today! Hope you enjoyed it! Until my next post, follow me on social media! 

Instagram:@vanesszahuszar Snapchat:vanesszaah Pinterest: Vanessza Huszár  Love you lots xo

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